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Digital Learning or Senioritis?

When Gwinnett County announced they were going to have a Digital Learning Day on January 8th, I was ecstatic. Although working from home wasn’t a new concept for me–at GSMST, we have eClass (Digital Learning) Days four times a year–I was still excited to sleep in till 12. On January 17th and 18th, GCPS students experienced another two days on digital learning.

What’s great about these days is that you can wake up at whatever time you want and work at your own pace. You have a lot of freedom, and to some people, that seems scary, but I honestly love it. For the past four years, I’ve learned how to pace myself when these cyber days come up.

However, this year it was a little different. I created a schedule, but I didn’t stick to it. I got distracted easily watching Friends. I don’t know why, but this time I didn’t feel motivated at all. I didn’t feel like doing any work, and I think it’s because of my senioritis. It’s second semester senior year, and at this point, I just want to graduate. Every senior at some point in their senior year catches senioritis, and I caught it right when second semester began.

I enjoy these days every year because I get to create my own rigid schedule and stick to it, but this year Digital Learning Days were a flop for me and not because it was digital learning but because of my crippling senioritis.