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The Heroes Project 2018: Christia

Christia Burton is not your “typical” colon cancer survivor. She’s young, female, no family history or other risk factors. But in the summer of 2017, this 31-year-old mom of two was diagnosed with Stage 2 Colon Cancer.

Christia had struggled with intermittent stomach pain for some time.  There were doctor visits, tests, some ER trips but no clear cause. No single diagnosis.

Last summer though, the pain increased. May was bad, June was worse and then on July 10, with incredible pain, Christia was back at the ER.  This time, a detailed CT scan revealed a golf-ball size tumor, surgically removed just two days later.

That’s been almost a year now, and life couldn’t be better for Christia. The man who wouldn’t leave her side last summer is now her husband Robert. A third child, their little boy, is due in September and will join Natasha, 10, and Austin, 5.  They were all rooting for a brother and can’t wait for Robert III to arrive.

“My husband is my cancer blessing,” she says. “Who wants a sick woman with two kids?” “He stayed. He ran in.”

With the tumor contained and now gone, Christia has check-ups every four months and a positive prognosis.

Her perspective for the future is shaped by optimism. “Don’t take anything for granted. Enjoy life to the fullest. I’m thankful for every day.”